Three Dollar Whore (That’s Me)

Did you know that I sell all of my ebooks for $2.99? Did you know that some people think that I’m a complete moron for doing that?

You’re part of the problem! They like to tell me.

Your time and work is worth so much more than *gasp* $2.99! They proclaim.

You’re the reason authors are expected to work for nothing! They demand.

These people are rarely those who read my books. Where they are coming from is easy to understand, so I don’t get mad at them for their way of thinking. I also (maybe arrogantly so) feel that my work is worth more than a $2 royalty per ebook sold. I also feel that all writers should be able to make a livable wage, especially if they are decent, good, or great at it. Additionally, I don’t feel that all authors’ works are worth the same amount.

I started publishing my books in July 2018. Most of them fall in the area between being a novella and a novel. Somewhere between 35,000 words to 50k+ words. Also, I am working hard to become a better writer, a better storyteller, a better formatter (is that a word?). Improving my techniques in every facet of indie publishing as I go means that you will probably not get a perfect book from me (though, perfect books are rare indeed).

Because my books are on the short side, I am still learning, and I want readers to have access to affordable books from the comfort of their own home, I have priced my books accordingly. This does not mean that I think the new Stephen King or J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman should be going for the same rate as mine. Conversely, I do not feel that I have reached that level (if I ever do) that I can charge $12.99 for an ebook. And let’s be honest, I am no competition for these authors. No one is going to say: “Well, I spent $2.99 on the newest Chase Connor, so I am not going to spend $12.99 on a new Stephen King book.”

As my writing improves (I’m the only person who can judge that), the overall product is better, and, depending upon length, I may price a book higher in the future. However, I do not feel that I am a problem in the indie author community. I feel that the books that I have written being priced at $2.99 is fair to both me and potential readers. Additionally, I think that this price point makes a potential reader give me a chance. I am confident that most readers, after reading one of my books, will feel that having spent $2.99 for hours of entertainment from one of my stories was worth it. This will also make them realize that if I one day price a book at, say, $4.99, they will be less likely to waffle.

I have enjoyed Chase Connor’s books so far, I’m going to take it on faith that he has priced this new book accordingly.

I want my readers and I to trust each other. To know that the few hours we spend together (in the form of my stories) will have been time and money well spent on both of our parts. Even my worst story was not a waste to them. They were still entertained and not gouged on price. The readers and I are on a journey together, and I hope we’re still together at the end–whatever that end my be. But that can only be facilitated through trust that the money and time they are spending is not being wasted.

So…call me a “problem”–and while I respect your feelings and thoughts–I am not listening.

P.S. ‘A Tremendous Amount of Normal’ (2nd edition) was recently released. You can check that out here.

Tremendous Love & Thanks,


4 thoughts on “Three Dollar Whore (That’s Me)

  1. I agree with your opinions about your book’s price point. And I also won’t complain about paying a higher price for your books as your talent blossoms, manifests and chases its potential. I am a bit annoyed that people would be so petty as to complain that you choose to price more modestly than other authors. People are experts on what other people should do but rarely conduct their own life with the expertise they save for opinions about other people.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We all have our reasons for pricing our books the way we do. I’m okay with $2.99 right now, so I just wanted to let that be known (especially since I was struggling to think of a blog topic). LOL


  2. I fully agree with your reasoning. The very first book of yours that I read I bought because of the price point. Of course now, knowing your talent, I would certainly pay more so I guess it’s just a way of “getting your foot in the door “? I’ve honestly passed over books priced at $4.99 or more for a 115 word count! Not a good value.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a very good way to put it, my friend. I am getting my foot in the door. Paying my dues. Establishing myself. One day I may feel that I should price a book higher, but as I learn and grow, I am comfortable continuing to price my books the way I have. It snared you in my trap, after all! LOL!


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